Friday, April 30, 2010

Game Over. Would you like to play again? Y/N_

Posted to my Myspace on May 9 2008. Thought I'd share it here though.

"Yes! And this time player 1 is God. I'm just that little guy on the screen that follows commands.

For some time now I've been loosing ground, slowly sinking as I slipped further from the shining, brilliant Light on a hill before me. I tried many times to fight off the black, oozing ocean that pulled me back and regain some ground. But, try as I might, I never regained what ground I had lost nor could I get back to where I had started from. I found little ledges that held me still for a time but I always slipped off. This last time I was all the way up to my ears in it and I began to sink further. I struggled to keep my head free but it only lasted for so long and soon everything but my mouth was covered in the sticky goo.

Why was I letting myself sink soo deep i thought to myself? And at the last moment, before the evil slime touched my lips I asked... nay I pleaded and begged for help. I mustered, what felt like, all that was within me to scream for help but not even the hint of a wisper passed my lips. But in the next moment I slowly blinked open my eyes, not to the unforgiving darkness, but to the blinding light at the top of that hill.

My clothes showed no trace of the inky ocean. My heart was light as a feather as the fresh breeze ran through my hair and I gazed upon the shining green grass. A warm smiling Face looked upon me as if to say "Silly child. I had your hand the whole time. Why didn't you call on Me sooner?" "

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Narrow mindedness

"Enter in by the narrow gate;
for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction,
and there are many who go in by it.
14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life,
and there are few who find it.
Matthew 7:13-14

I was thinking about it and narrow mindedness should be the greatest compliment you can receive, if it is narrow mindedness for God. For example; I believe in a literal seven days. God created the heavens and the earth in seven days, period. Some have argued that God could have meant a figurative seven days and that it could have taken several million years just as evolution says it did. There are several reasons why this is wrong but perhaps the simplest way of explaining why I think it is wrong is by being narrow minded about it.

If I believe it took a literal seven days and come Judgment Day God reveals that He was in fact being figurative; So what? Conversely, if I let others compromise what I believe to be true and come Judgment Day God was being literal and did in fact create all things in seven days; I will have t answer for myself a few questions posed by my Creator:

"Why didn't you believe Me? Why did you let them change and mutate the truth in to such a horrible half- lie?"